Lexington staff are hosting two events in May as part of the Town’s efforts to reduce waste.
- Curbside Compost Pilot Launch
- Path to Zero Waste Workshop
Curbside Compost Pilot Launch Event – May 16 @ 6:00 PM
The Town of Lexington is happy to announce the launch of a curbside composting pilot program. The program will allow 2,000 Lexington households to sign up for curbside pickup of food waste and other compostable items at no cost. The service will be run by Black Earth Compost. With compostable waste making up 35% of Lexington’s waste stream, this pilot is a critical step in reducing waste in our community.
Join us virtually or in-person on May 16 for the official launch event, where you will learn more about the pilot program, how to sign up, composting best practices, and the many benefits of composting.
When: May 16, 6:00 PM
Where: Select Board Meeting Room, Town Office Building (or Zoom)
See the Curbside Launch Event announcement for full information on the session and how the pilot will proceed.
Path to Zero Waste Workshop – May 24 @ 6:30 PM
At the workshop, we will look at Lexington’s current waste data and dig into proposed actions that would allow also us to increase our diversion rate to 90% by 2050. After the presentation, join small breakout groups to discuss what is missing or what needs adjustment in the draft plan. The meeting will be run by Town staff, our Zero Waste consultant, and members of the Zero Waste Plan Working Group.
You can join in-person at Estabrook Hall in the Cary Memorial Building — 1605 Mass Ave, Lexington — or on Zoom.