More than 27 years ago, Joe and his wife, Jeri Zeder, created their home in Lexington where they could raise their two sons and provide them with a first-rate education. Joe was a research computer scientist and worked for 28 years with Hewlett Packard. When he retired and took on his role as Visiting Scientist at MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Lab he made the active choice to give back to his hometown.
Joe began his work for Lexington in 2008 as a Town Meeting Member and soon took on a role as an Appropriation Committee Member in 2009. His deep connections to town issues — from creating a master plan to move Lexington forward as it grows, minimizing property tax increases without compromising community values, and safeguarding our health and the environment — led him to run for his first Board seat in 2013. Since then, Joe was Chair of the Board for three terms during his tenure. He has served on more than 25 committees in town. Joe is a strong leader for Lexington as he takes on the challenges of today to meet future needs — always through his collaborative approach and with a desire for transparency that allows our community to stay informed and actively participate.
Town Experience
- Town Meeting Member, Precinct 2, 2008-2013
- Appropriation Committee Member, 2009-2012
- Select Board
- Elected 2013, Re-elected 2016, 2019, 2022
- Chair, 2014-2016, 2023-2024
- Town Committee Assignments
- School Building Committee (2022-present)
- Trustees of the Cary Memorial Library Executive Board (2014-2023, Chair 2017-2021)
- School Facilities Master Planning Committee (2018-2022)
- Community Preservation Committee (2018-2022)
- Enrollment Working Group (2013-present)
- Policy Manual Committee (2017-2023, Chair)
- Vision for Lexington Committee (formerly 20/20 Vision Committee) (2013-2022)
- Comprehensive Plan Advisory Committee (CPAC) (2018-2022)
- Residential Exemption Policy Study Committee (2018-2020)
- Tax Deferral and Exemption Study Committee (2020-2021)
- Commission on Disability (2014-2022)
- Sustainable Lexington Committee (2013-2023)
- Transportation Advisory Committee (2021-2022)
- Bicycle Advisory Committee (2013-2021)
- Lexington Center Committee (2013-2019)
- Economic Development Advisory Committee (2013-2019, 2021-2023)
- Communications Advisory Committee (CAC) (2013-2019, 2021-2022)
- Housing Partnership Board (2013-2019, 2021-2023)
- Getting to NetZero Task Force (2016-2018)
- Grain Mill Alley Steering Committee (ad hoc) (2015-2017)
- Hanscom Area Towns Committee (2014-2017)
- MWRA Advisory Board Liaison (2013-2016)
- Scenic Byway Working Group (2013-2016)
- Solar Task Force (2012-2014)
- Town-wide Facilities Master Planning Committee (2013)
- Tree Committee (2013, 2022-present)
Professional Experience
- Business Leadership — Hewlett Packard for 28 years (retired)
- Chief Technology Officer for Hewlett Packard’s Internet Security Solutions Division
- Developed strategic acquisition plans
- Served on advisory boards for Hewlett Packard-funded startups
- Consensus Building and Thought Leadership
- Chaired National Academy of Sciences (NAS) committee on Biometrics, member of NAS committee addressing Nationwide Identity Systems in the wake of 9/11
- Chaired the development of industry standards
- Served on technical advisory committee to the Department of Commerce / NIST
- Research
- Visiting Scientist, MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Lab
- Distinguished Technologist, HP Labs (retired)
- Brown University, Sc.B. and graduate studies in Computer Science