How to properly dispose of waste is everyone’s challenge. The costs for town provided waste hauling and disposal for waste (up 21%) and recycling (up 28%) are jumping and creating difficulties for the Town’s budget. To manage about a $1 Million increase in these costs, fees are being considered for disposal of bulk goods. The best way to manage these costs is to reduce the amount of trash we are generating in the first place and to further reduce trash by diverting organic compostable waste.
Costs aren’t the only reasons to reduce waste. Lexington’s trash is disposed of by incineration at the North Andover waste to energy plant. While this has the positive effect of generating power, it has a negative impact on air quality for residents downwind of the plant and the ash resulting from burning is disposed of in area landfills.
So, what can a resident do? Here are three ideas:
1. Get Informed

MA State Representative Michelle Ciccolo, founder and Co-Chair of the MA Legislature’s Zero Waste Caucus, has organized an event to discuss solid waste and plastics reduction, along with other waste and recycling strategies.
Thursday, February 16th @ 3:30PM
2. Compost your organic waste
A (no cost) green curbside bin is available to residents who start a new subscription with Town of Lexington Preferred Provider Black Earth Compost. Visit Lexington DPW to pickup your bin at the Hadley Public Services Building at 201 Bedford St. In addition there is a pilot program for dropping off compostable food waste at a few locations around town.
Food & Kitchen Waste Composting | Lexington, MA (

3. Use reusable take-out containers

After a year of planning, the Lexington Zero Waste Collaborative will be launching the ZeroToGo reusable takeout pilot program with Royal India Bistro on March 1st. LexZeroWaste members who register to participate in ZeroToGo will be able to order takeout from Royal India Bistro, Mondays through Thursdays, in returnable/reusable stainless-steel containers with silicone lids.
Get involved in the Town discussions on waste reduction. Join groups like the LPS Green Teams, Lexington Zero Waste Collaborative, and The Lexington Climate Action Network to participate in various efforts to reduce waste.